Not satisfied with our customer service response?

Contact EuroCaution’s claims department at

Or via the following address:
EuroCaution Benelux SA
For the attention of the executive board
7,rue des Mérovingiens
L-8070 Bertrange

For a perfect identification of your request and a fast treatment, please indicate the following elements:

Name, first name, address

Telephone number

client number or contract number

Number of the claim (if it concerns the follow-up of a claim)

Reason of objection

If you are a EuroCaution client or not

How do we process your claim?

We acknowledge receipt of every complaint received in writing with an estimated response time of more than 3 days. 

Your complaint will be studied by the person responsible for processing and will endeavour to respond within one month.

We will provide you in writing with detailed explanations resulting from our investigations as well as our conclusions/proposals.