Get to know …. Cédric Doppagne

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Friday 07 July 2023

Meet our employees: Cédric Doppagne

Every month we introduce you to one of our employees, because we are convinced that they deliver the service quality our customers expect.

We introduce to you our Chief Commercial Officer, Cédric Doppagne. Interview.


A brief summary of your professional track record…

After completing my marketing studies at EPHEC in 2003, I started my career in the banking sector at ING Belgium. After several roles in financial investment advice, I moved on to become a Personal Banker in 8 branches in Brussels. At the same time as working for ING, I started a degree in commercial and financial science in evening classes at Ichec.

I then redirected my career towards various companies as a sales manager (Telelingua, Optima, etc.) and I also worked as an independent sales consultant for various companies.

With a wealth of commercial experience behind me, I joined Eurocaution as sales manager in April 2016.

A word about your passions and hobbies

I’m someone who likes to make the most of every moment. My family is a very important part of my life. In a very busy schedule, I try to devote as much time as possible to my 12-year-old son and my partner.

Alongside my family life, I’m a great lover of good restaurants and wine, and I’ve developed a great passion for automatic watches.

As far as sport is concerned, I’ve just finished a football career that spanned more than 37 years, and although I’m still just as passionate about the sport, I’m going to switch to golf to relieve some of the pain in my joints and, why not, increase my networking in very pleasant surroundings. Because of my personality, I’m often very busy and there’s little room for boredom.

A few words about your job, your daily tasks and your relationship with customers

As Commercial Director, I’m in charge of all Eurocaution’s commercial development. I’m responsible for all marketing actions, from newsletters and videos to the many events organised by Eurocaution. As well as marketing, there’s obviously sales development in the strict sense of the word, i.e. managing the sales team, but also developing and monitoring a portfolio of clients. I’m also a member of Eurocaution’s management committee.